
The Dover Coalition for Youth knows that Landlords and Property Owners in Dover are instrumental to building a safe and healthy community for our youth. The Coalition has partnered with landlords to provide resources and information on preventing youth access to drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.


Good Neighbor Project

The Coalition met with landlords from Dover, Rochester, Durham, and surrounding communities to develop ideas about what materials would be effective in helping to reduce the impact that high-risk drinking has on their rental properties. With the help from Portland, Maine’s MCD Public Health project “21 Reasons,” the Coalition developed a variety of materials that inform landlords and tenants about high-risk drinking and simple steps to avoid it. These materials include a guide with tips on how to prevent high-risk drinking from impacting their rental properties. The materials also consist of a similar guide for tenants which includes tips for being a good neighbor, tenant, and citizen, a checklist on how to entertain guests responsibly, and magnets and door hangers that illustrate the important New Hampshire laws surrounding alcohol. All of these materials can be found right here: Landlord Guide, Tenant Guide, Tenant Guide Party Insert, Tenant Doorhanger, Tenant Guide Magnet


Party Host Law

NH is serious about preventing underage drinking. In 2004 NH passed the Party Host Liability Law which holds host of parties responsible for the actions of underage party goers. Landlords and Property Managers can make there tenants aware of the consequences of providing alcohol to minors.

The law states:

  • A “host” is defined as any person at least 17 who owns, rents, or controls a site, knows about the party and knows persons who are underage that plan on consuming alcohol or drugs.
  • A “party” is defined as five or more persons under 21 (not related to host) where one person under 21 consumes alcohol or drugs
  • Penalty- The Host can be charged with a misdemeanor, fined up to $2,000 and spend a year in jail. The person under 21 could lose their license, may be fined up to $600, and if caught with a false ID up to $2,000, and/or a prison sentence


Smoke-free Properties

Implementing a non-smoking policy for your properties will reduce the risk of fire, prevent tenants from being exposed to second-hand smoke, and save you money from not having to replace walls and carpets that smell of tobacco. Smoke-free property policies are legal and the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides a tool-kit for property owners who want to implement smoke-free policies which can be found here smokefreeproperties.pdf.