Policy Change

The Coalition has worked with a variety of community partners to promote Smoke-Free environments.

There are several reasons why a smoke-free workplace is a good idea. Some of the most important reasons are that:

  • It’s safer. Workers who smoke have more accidents than nonsmokers on the job. Smoking also contributes to the risk of fire and, in some cases, explosion.
  • Also, it’s healthier. Secondhand smoke is dangerous to your employees and your customers.
  • It’s good for business. Smoke-free policies save money. Savings include those associated with damage to property and furnishings, fire risk, cleaning costs, productivity loses, and possibly personnel costs associated with worker compensation, disability, and absenteeism (smokers have more colds and upper respiratory illnesses).

Click here to listen to the Coalition’s radio public service announcement about smoking in the work place. It is called Job Fair.

How the Coalition is Helping Businesses & Employers

Policy Consultations

All businesses in the area quality for a free policy consultation with trained staff and volunteers. The Coalition can assist with creating or modifying an existing policy, publicizing a new policy, connecting your business with local cessation resources and provide other support as needed. All of these coalition services are provided to local businesses free of charge.

Resource Kits

A useful tool in creating a smoke-free workplace is the Good Work! Kit created by the New Hampshire Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. The kit includes information on the following topics: Why a Smoke-free Policy is Good Idea, Creating a Policy and Making it Work, Writing a Policy, Getting the Message Out, and Supporting Employees Who Want to Quit. The kit also includes signs and decals to post at your establishment. These kits are available free of charge and are distributed by the Dover Coalition for Youth.

Employee Education

Coalition staff is available to provide seminars and workshops to businesses on a variety of topics including smoke-free workplaces, cessation and other applicable topics. Our staff can facilitate the seminars ourselves or coordinate with other organizations that specialize in specific topics. If you contact us, we can tailor our trainings toward your specific needs. We also can provide an assortment of educational tobacco prevention brochures to your organization.

Cessation and Other Support

Some employers have found it helpful to provide cessation resources to their employees while in the process of implementing a new smoke-free policy. We can connect your business with local organizations that can help individuals wishing to quit smoking. This information is also available on our web site at this link: Cessation Resources