Talk. They Hear You. Town Hall Meeting on Underage Drinking

by Dover Police Charities

Alcohol use among our nation’s youth is a significant public health and economic problem. In New Hampshire, underage alcohol use is the number one youth drug-problem and is six times more likely to kill young people than all illegal drugs combined.

In an effort to curb underage alcohol problems, communities across the country are organizing a nationwide series of town hall-style meetings. Nineteen of these sessions will be held in New Hampshire. Locally, the Dover Coalition for Youth and the Dover Police Department are holding one in Dover.

The meeting will take place at the McConnell Center Café in Dover from 6:00-7:30pm on Wednesday, May 28th. Light refreshments and free child care will be provided. The event is open to participants from all sectors of the community to both attend and share ideas. Parents and caregivers of children 2-15 years old are specifically encouraged to attend.

The meeting will provide data on the problem of alcohol abuse among youth in Dover and share information on how to send age appropriate messages to youth. Participants will gain knowledge and skills on how to talk to kids as young as 2 years old and continue the conversation through elementary, middle and high school.

The Town Hall meeting is intended to increase understanding of the risks associated with underage drinking, as well as to encourage the community, families and individuals to address the problem in Dover and the surrounding area.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is sponsoring this national initiative, with the goal that these meetings will generate energy and leverage action during Alcohol Awareness Month in April or National Prevention Week in May.

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